The Soul’s Language


Imagine trusting yourself completely. No second guessing. No screwing yourself over. Just knowing that everything that’s presented to you is your deeper self teaching you something that you need to know and integrate. Teaching you where you need to let go and where you need to open up.

The mind likes to resist and control, like a dictator in fear of losing their empire. Literally living in fear of loss, desperate to hold on at any cost. The soul however, knows no such tendencies. Resistance and control are not words in the soul’s vocabulary.

The soul Intuitively understands that it must experience loss and pain in order to release itself from the deluded entanglements that the mind created in periods of unconsciousness. The soul’s language is one of complete openess, acceptance and a deep allowing, knowing that everything is exactly how it’s meant to be right now, even if that means messiness, confusion and eternal growing pains. It whispers to us about non resistance, but the mind is often speaking too loudly for us to hear. The mind’s noise drowns out the soul’s ever-present wisdom.

We must learn to tune in again and never stop listening, as the repercussions will be to follow the false promises of the mind, only leading to expectations and eventual disappointments. The soul grants us the sanity for grace, which is nothing other than total acceptance of what IS, rather than looking for things to be different. These moments of total allowing and deep acceptance are moments of enlightenment itself, as stillness is recognised as our true nature, allowing a subtle bliss to emerge letting us know that everything is absolutely OK. These moments are available in every moment if we choose to pay attention to them.

There comes a time when the warrior can only truly win the battle by putting their sword back in its sheath and observing the madness, rather than taking part. The inner battle finally ends when the warrior realises they have only been fighting themselves. As a warrior does, they may still pick up their sword, but now they will do so with an infinitely enhanced awareness of the battles worth fighting.

awareness #soul #mind #meditation #acceptance #


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