Forget Money, Accumulate Love


Please look after your mental health. The promises of capitalism and over-working are completely empty. There’s no fulfillment at the end of working yourself into exhaustion and illness. And it’s not the gold standard of how well you’re doing in life. The corporate world doesn’t care about you, so don’t over-care about it.

Life will be over shortly. Finding out what truly matters now is important. Nobody is perfect, so let’s stop trying to be. Let’s just be ourselves. That’s enough. That’s freedom. Listen to yourself. Trust yourself. Don’t trust billboards or internet adverts that are trying to manipulate you into thinking that you’re not enough as you are.

We’re not here to be in constant competition with each other. If we truly recognised the shortness of life, we would drop all that shit, and all the baggage we carry. We would actually live. Forgiveness, patience and kindness are really important. They give us personal peace. That’s what we should be working towards, not more money. Money and its associated aspects have already caused enough problems and ruined enough lives.

Happiness doesn’t come from money. That’s profoundly obvious at this point. We’ve been sold this misinformation for long enough. People with just enough are happier than those with more. For the greedy, “enough” doesn’t exist. But we can’t find lasting happiness in material things. That endeavor has not proved successful.

Love is a currency we can trust. Let’s accumulate that inside of ourselves instead. Let’s have an inner wealth statement that’s overflowing so that it naturally pours over into others accounts. Love is the only contact-less we need. “Ah g'way ya big hippy” some people will say. But try it first. Try fostering love, forgiveness, patience and acceptance in yourself for a while, and see how much less money you end up spending.

Money ain’t the answer. Love is. Every wise human from Martin Luther King to Gandhi to the Buddha has been telling us this for millenia. Or if those names don’t work for you, then Keanu Reeves and Russell Brand have been saying it for years. Or your lovely old granda who realised the truth after 75 years.

Forget money. Accumulate love.


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A Job is Just a Job

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